
2023 Presentations

  • Making Policy in the Absence of Certainty: Risk-Aware Consideration of Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) Estimates for Biofuels presented by Colin Murphy, UC Davis Policy Institute

2022 Presentations

2021 Presentations

UC ITS Meeting Series for Legislative Transportation Policy Staff
The UC ITS hosted a series of five virtual meetings in Fall 2021 to share and discuss new research insights with legislative committee and leadership staff. Click a session below to view or download the presentations.


California Air Resources Board & UC Davis VMT Research Retreat
In October 2021, the Policy Institute hosted a half-day virtual retreat for California Air Resources Board staff and UC Institute of Transportation Studies researchers on key topics related to VMT mitigation. The goal of this retreat was to share recent and in-progress research and to discuss CARB’s research needs. This retreat helped CARB staff understand what the research says about the most promising strategies for reducing VMT/capita across the state, such that we can reverse the increasing VMT/capita trend found in the 2018 Progress Report, and make better/faster progress on reducing VMT. Topics for discussion included transportation pricing and equity, VMT effects of telework, and VMT-reducing policies by local governments. The goal of this retreat was to help CARB staff identify the best VMT reduction opportunities and mitigation strategies.

Presentation Archive